St. Anthony of Padua

851 Main Street

woburn, MA  01801

Woburn Catholic Collaborative

Business Office

138 Cambridge Road

Woburn, MA  01801

St. Barbara

138 Cambridge Road

Woburn, MA  01801


What is a Grand Annual Collection? 


A Grand Annual collection is an annual collection that supports projects for repairs and maintenance to our churches and properties. Unlike the Offertory collection taken up weekly to support the regular operating budget expenses, the Grand Annual is a collection taken up in a specific period of time to cover upfront costs for immediately needed repairs and maintenance without disrupting the normal Offertory collection proceeds.


A Grand Annual collection was introduced several years ago at St. Anthony of Padua parish allowing the church to realize many needed updates and repairs to the church and property. Today, we are introducing a Grand Annual collection at St. Barbara parish with the same intent - to have many of the needed projects completed at the church and property.

Registration Grade K - 6 - closed Registration Grade 7 - 10 - closed St. Anthony of Padua St. Barbara

Ways to Give

  • If you receive monthly envelopes, a Grand Annual envelope will be provided (St. Barbara's will be next year).

  • Envelopes can be found at the entrance of both churches.

  • Checks can be made payable to either church with Grand Annual written in the memo section.

Coming soon:  On-line giving option.

Religious Education classes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades start on Sunday, September 25 in the Father Anadore Hall.

1st Grade: 9:30a (Sunday Class)

2nd Grade: 10:30a

3rd Grade: 10:30a

Religious Education classes for 1st Grade start on Monday, September 26 in the Father Anadore Hall.

1st Grade: 4:30p (Monday Class)

Religious Education classes for 4th and 5th grades start on Wednesday, September 28 in the Father Anadore Hall.

4th Grade: 5:00p

5th Grade: 6:00p

The Woburn Catholic Collaborative's Religious Education program is designed as building blocks to assist your child’s faith journey each year and to fulfill their Sacraments of:

  • Penance
  • First Holy Communion
  • Confirmation. 

The Religious Education and Youth Ministry Staff and Volunteers are excited for this upcoming school year! Thank you for being a part of it.

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